Final 2007 Air Quality Management Plan
The 2007 Ventura County Air Quality Management Plan (2007 AQMP), adopted by the Ventura County Air Pollution Control Board on May 13, 2008, presents Ventura County’s strategy for attaining the federal 8-hour ozone standard as required by the federal Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990. The 2007 AQMP also presents the District’s Triennial Assessment and Plan Update required by the California Clean Air Act of 1988.
The 2007 AQMP contains an attainment demonstration (photochemical modeling and weight of evidence analyses) showing that Ventura County will attain the federal 8-hour ozone standard by June 15, 2013, the deadline for serious 8-hour ozone nonattainment areas.
The 2007 AQMP also contains: a Reasonable Further Progress demonstration, a Motor Vehicle Conformity Budget for transportation conformity purposes, an emissions inventory and emission forecasts, and a local control strategy containing several new and “further study” emission control measures. The new control measures are proposed revisions to existing District rules that District staff has found practicable for Ventura County pursuant to the separate every feasible measure requirement of the California Clean Air Act. The 2007 AQMP also incorporates the California Air Resources Board’s State Strategy to achieve the additional emission reductions needed for all areas of the state, including Ventura County, to attain the federal 8-hour ozone standard.
Downloads - 2007 AQMP & Appendices
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