South Central Coast Basinwide Air Pollution Control Council


Next meeting: March 27, 2025, at 10 a.m.


Purpose: The advisory committee helps coordinate activities of the Ventura County, Santa Barbara County and San Luis Obispo County Air Pollution Control Districts. The council receives reports on rule development and planning efforts, the anticipated effect of state and federal actions and other areas of interest. California Health and Safety Code Section 40900 requires the establishment of a council for each air basin, which is comprised of two or more districts.


Meetings: The council meets quarterly, with options to attend virtually on Zoom or from one of the district offices.


Members: Each of the three Air Pollution Control Boards appoints one of its members to the council and another as an alternate.


Pedro Chavez, City of Santa Paula in Ventura County
Dawn Ortiz-Legg, San Luis Obispo County
Paula Perotte, City of Goleta in Santa Barbara County




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