School Bus CNG Tank Replacement
Incentive Program

Danny McQuillan,
Air Quality Engineer (805) 303-3678
Heidy Yupe, Air
Quality Specialist (805) 303-3655
Lapeyre-Montrose, Supervising Air Quality Specialist
(805) 303-3665
This program awards grants of up to $20,000 for each
replacement of a compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel tank on a
school bus. School buses are typically operated for 25
years, but CNG tanks usually need to be replaced after 15
Natural gas vehicles expose children and staff members to
lower levels of cancer-causing and smog-forming pollution
than gasoline or diesel-powered vehicles. Compared to
diesel-powered vehicles, dedicated natural gas vehicles can
reduce exhaust emissions of non-methane organic gases by
89%, carbon monoxide by 70%, nitrogen oxides by 87% and
carbon dioxide by 15% to 20%, according to the U.S.
Department of Energy.
Application Form
Submit completed
form and required documents to
Danny McQuillan at
- Model year of bus must be at least 14 years old.
- Funding can be used for purchase and installation
of tanks.
- School districts that own their bus fleets, joint
power authorities between school districts, and private
contractors that provide transportation services to
school districts can apply.
- Grants are awarded on a first-come, first-served
- Application package must include the following for
each bus requiring a new tank:
o Completed grant application form
o Copy of the California Highway Patrol Safety
Certification (CHP Form 292)
o Copy of DMV registration
o Resolution from school district’s governing board or
official with authority to make financial decisions
approving the application submission and identifying the
person authorized to implement the replacement
o Dated and itemized quote for the cost of the tank and
o Photos or other documentation showing existing CNG
tank expiration date, serial number and CHP inspection
Application tips:
- Contact Danny McQuillan at or
(805) 645-1432 to find out if funds are available.
- Apply at least four months before tank expires to allow
enough time for the application review and approval process
before the bus becomes unsafe to operate.
The district’s program is funded by the California Air
Resources Board (CARB) Lower-Emission School Bus Program,
which was launched to distribute $50 million allocated by
the state legislature to reduce school children’s exposure
to toxic diesel particulate matter. The funds were initially
used to purchase new diesel and natural gas-powered buses
and particulate filters for existing diesel school buses.
2012, CARB expanded the program to include the use of
vehicle registration fees to replace CNG fuel tanks on
school buses. Since 2014, the district has provided grants
to replace 18 tanks on four Ventura County school buses.