
Monthly Permitting Statistics

Who needs a permit

How to apply for a permit

Application Processing

Stack Testing

Permit Renewal


Small Business Assistance and more...

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The Ventura County APCD requires permits for new air pollution-emitting facilities and modifications to existing air pollution-emitting facilities. The District has a two-step permit program.


Facility operators are required to obtain an Authority to Construct before construction or modification begins. This allows District staff time to review the project plans and determine if the project will comply with all applicable District rules. The District integrates state and federal requirements for new source review into its Authority to Construct process.


After construction is completed, but before operation begins, operators are required to obtain a Permit to Operate. A temporary Permit to Operate may be issued so that emissions testing or a District inspection may be conducted while the new or modified facility is operating. Upon determining that the facility is complying with all applicable APCD rules, District staff issues a Permit to Operate with enforceable permit conditions to ensure continuing rule compliance.


The cooperation of business is essential to the success of the permit program. The permit program is one way the District and businesses work together to clean the air and protect public health in Ventura County.


For details on the District permit program, see District Regulation II ("Permits"). Regulation II consists of Rule 10 through Rule 35.


Who needs a permit?

District rules and regulations apply to both large and small businesses. Typical large businesses requiring permits include bulk petroleum operations; oil production facilities; power plants; and sand, gravel and cement operations. Smaller businesses include dry cleaners, gasoline service stations, and facilities that use solvents or paints in their operations. Gas or oil fired equipment (greater than or equal to 1 million BTUs/hr) and internal combustion engines (greater than or equal to 50 HP) also require a permit.


For a more detailed list of common equipment and processes requiring a permit, click here. Please refer to District Rule 23 ("Exemptions from Permit") for a detailed list of equipment and processes that do not require a permit.


Permits are required:


  • For new equipment, or processes that may release air pollutants
  • Before modifying existing equipment
  • When a facility changes ownership
  • When equipment is relocated to a new address
  • When a change in the method of operation occurs at a facility
  • When a facility wishes to modify a permit condition, including changing its permitted emissions.


Portable internal combustion engines may be eligible for the California Air Resources Board Portable Equipment Registration Program (PERP). Portable engines registered with the PERP do not require APCD permits. For more information, visit the program website or send an email to


How to apply for a permit?

You are encouraged to contact the District at (805) 303-3688 to schedule a pre-application meeting. At a pre-application meeting, you can explain your proposed project and District staff can explain the application requirements. Often, more complete permit applications result from this process.


If you are familiar with District permitting requirements, you can download the appropriate forms from this website.


You must then submit the following, either in person or by mail:


  • A cover letter with a detailed description of your business and the project you are proposing
  • A permit application cover form and supplemental forms as required
  • A street map, a sketch of your facility layout, and a floor plan
  • The application filing fee


Mail your application to the Ventura County APCD, 4567 Telephone Road, Ventura, CA 93003. A District engineer will contact you regarding the processing fee and any additional information required.


Application Processing

Application processing time ranges from 30 to 180 days depending on the complexity of the application. Within 30 days after submittal of your application, you will be notified if the application is complete. This notification will also include the name and telephone number of the District engineer who has been assigned your application.


Permits are issued if the application demonstrates compliance with all applicable Rules. This includes Rule 26, New Source Review. Rule 26 requires that new, modified, reconstructed, or relocated emission sources be constructed using Best Available Control Technology (BACT). Emission offsets must be supplied for emission increases. Two common sources of emission offsets are the Community Bank (for small sources only) and the use of Emission Reduction Credits (ERCs).


Stack Testing

Stack testing may be required to demonstrate compliance with APCD rules or permit conditions. Stack testing is performed by an independent contractor employed by the applicant or permit holder. The California Air Resources Board (ARB) has a program to approve private contractors that perform compliance testing. A list of ARB approved independent contractors is available at


Permit Renewal

With the exception of Title V permits, APCD permits are renewed on an annual basis. Permits are valid until the expiration date on the permit or 60 days after the mailing of the renewal fee notice, whichever is later (see APCD Rule 30). At permit renewal, permits are reviewed to determine if the permit conditions are adequate and up to date. Permitted emissions are reviewed and equipment that has been permanently removed is removed from the permit. If changes to a permit are required, a draft permit is sent to the permit holder for review along with the renewal fee invoice.


  • Application Filing Fee - Initial charge for each Authority to Construct or Permit to Operate
  • Application Processing Fee - In addition to the filing fee, the fee based on the amount of time required to process each Authority to Construct application or each Permit to Operate application for which an Authority to Construct was not obtained.
  • Permit to Operate Fee - Invoiced when the District engineer approves the Permit to Operate.
  • Annual Operating Fee - Billed annually to current permit holders based on the permitted emissions listed on the permit. A permit will be voided if the annual operating fee is not paid within 60 days of the date the bill is sent. Annual renewal fees not paid on time are subject to incremental surcharges of the annual renewal fee. Violation of District rules by continuing to operate without a permit may result in a fine of up to $25,000 per day and/or up to six months in jail.


Refer to Ventura County Air Pollution Control District Rule 42 ("Permit Fees"). For fee Schedule of Fiscal Year 2024-2025 click here.


Small business assistance or more information

E-mail or call the APCD Permit Section at (805) 303-3688. You may also go to The State of California Permit Assistance Centers. The Centers serve as a central source of assistance for business owners seeking guidance with often-complicated permit application and approval processes.

County of Ventura One-Stop Permitting Website for Discretionary Land Use Permit

Projects that require APCD permits may also require land use permits from the municipalities in which they are to be located. To help project applicants for land use permits in the unincorporated areas of Ventura County, the County of Ventura has a One-Stop Permitting website . The One-Stop Permitting website provides step-by-step guidance and information to individuals seeking permits for residential, commercial, and industrial development project or subdivisions within unincorporated Ventura County. Applicants for projects within Ventura County cities should contact those cities for their land use permit requirements.