Title V


Who is subject to the Title V Program?

How do I apply for a Title V permit?

What alternatives to a Title V permit are available?

More information

Downloadable forms and instructions


Title V of the federal Clean Air Act requires major stationary sources of air pollution and a limited group of non-major sources to obtain operating permits that assure compliance with all applicable federal air pollution control requirements. APCD Rules 33 through 33.10 apply to sources in Ventura County that are subject to the Title V permit program.


Who is subject to the Title V Program?

Major stationary sources of air pollutants are subject to the Title V Program. A major source is one that has the potential to emit the following amounts:


  • 100 tons per year or more of any pollutant
  • 25 tons per year or more of either reactive organic compounds or nitrogen oxides
  • 10 tons per year or more of a single Hazardous Air Pollutant (HAP)
  • 25 tons per year or more of a combination of HAPs


Any stationary source that is subject to the "acid rain" provisions of Title IV of the federal Clean Air Act is also subject to the Title V program. The only two "acid rain" sources in Ventura County are the Ormond Beach and Mandalay power plants.


Solid waste incineration units subject to a federal New Source Performance Standard adopted by US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) after November 15, 1990 are subject to the Title V Program.
Any other facility that is in a source category that is required to obtain a Title V permit pursuant to US EPA regulations is subject to the Title V Program.


There are currently 21 facilities in Ventura County that are subject to the Title V Program. You may view a list of the facilities in Ventura County that are subject to the Title V Program.



Public Participation in the Title V Permit Program


APCD Rule 33.7, Part 70 Permits – Notification, requires a 30-day public review (newspaper notice) and 45-day EPA review of all significant Part 70 permit actions. All current and proposed Title V permits are listed below.


In addition, the APCD maintains a Part 70 permit action notification list to notify interested parties of significant Part 70 permit actions. To be included on this list, contact the APCD at engineering@vcapcd.org .


If EPA does not object in writing to the issuance of a proposed Part 70 permit, the public may petition the EPA within 60 days after the expiration of EPA’s 45-day comment period. For more information on public petitions to EPA, see Section D of Rule 33.7.



Current VCAPCD Part 70 (Title V) Federal Operating Permits


Permit #  
00015 Part 70 Permit for Procter & Gamble Paper Products
00036 Part 70 Permit for Arcosa Lightweight-Frazier Park
00041 Part 70 Permit for Aera Energy LLC Ventura Avenue Oil Field
00065 Part 70 Permit for Ormond Beach Generating Station
00157 Part 70 Permit for New-Indy Oxnard LLC
00214 Part 70 Permit for EF Oxnard LLC
00997 Part 70 Permit for NBVC Point Mugu Naval Air Station
01006 Part 70 Permit for NBVC Naval Construction Battalion Center
01207 Part 70 Permit for NBVC San Nicolas Island
01267 Part 70 Permit for California State University Channel Islands
01395 Part 70 Permit for Waste Management Simi Valley Landfill
01399 Part 70 Permit for the VRSD Oxnard Landfills
01491 Part 70 Permit for DCOR OCS Platform Gina
01492 Part 70 Permit for DCOR OCS Platform Gilda
01493 Part 70 Permit for Chevron U.S.A. Inc. OCS Platform Grace
01494 Part 70 Permit for Chevron U.S.A. Inc. OCS Platform Gail
07340 Part 70 Permit for the VRSD Toland Road Landfill
07891 Part 70 Permit for the SCE McGrath Peaker Generating Station



Proposed VCAPCD Part 70 (Title V) Federal Operating Permits


Permit # Facility Action


How do I apply for a Title V permit?

Contact John Harader at (805) 303-3682 for information concerning application for a Title V permit.


If you are familiar with the procedure for applying for a modification to an existing Title V permit, you can download the application forms and instructions.


What alternatives to a Title V permit are available?

A facility with the potential to emit major amounts of any air pollutant, but with actual emissions less than major amounts, can opt out of the Title V Program in one of two ways:


  • Obtain elective emission limits under APCD Rule 35 that limit permitted emissions to less than major amounts
  • Demonstrate that actual emissions are under the levels specified in APCD Rule 76, which are generally half of major amounts.


More information

For additional information concerning the Title V Operating Permit Program in Ventura County, e-mail or call John Harader at (805) 303-3682.